American Sniper (2014)
What They Did To Us…
I’m S’posed To Be Over There
How Do You Come Home?
“These men are the rare breed, who live to confront the wolf.”
Chris Kyle was born on 8 April, 1974. He was killed by a former Marine suffering from PTSD on 2 February, 2013.
Between those years he was a rodeo rider, a Navy S.E.A.L., a champion for disabled vets, a husband, and father. He served four tours in Iraq, earned the Silver Star, was shot twice in combat, became one of the most successful snipers in American history, and saved the lives of countless Marines.
American Sniper is the story of Kyle’s life as a S.E.A.L., his service, his struggle with PTSD, and his death.
Directed by Clint Eastwood, starring Bradley Cooper (A Star is Born), Sienna Miller as Kyle’s wife, Taya (21 Bridges), and Kyle Garner is his fellow S.E.A.L., Goat-Winston, this is a tough movie. It is violent. Unflinching. And (here’s a public service message learned from experience), not the movie you want to take your wife to right before you tell her you have volunteered for another deployment…
It is also a deeply human movie, capturing both the emotion of combat and the difficulty many feel when they return. Cooper is perfect, his supporting cast, especially Miller, is solid, and this may be one of Eastwood’s finest works.
You can see American Sniper HERE.
Five out of Five Stars.
Chief Petty Officer Chris Kyle
S.E.A.L. Team 3
Husband and Father